Language - Does It Break Down Barriers?

Language can be an important tool in breaking down barriers between class, race or religion, and Hayder Al-Ani recommends that people take the time to try and learn another language, particularly when going abroad or simply as a new skill to learn.

Why learn a new language?

When you travel abroad, it’s fairly common within tourist destinations that someone will speak your language, and be able to assist you when trying to order food or speak with a hotel staff member. However, not many people take the time to learn some of the language before they head out to these exotic destinations, and that isn’t always the best way to proceed. Learning another language can broaden your outlook on life, giving you the freedom to converse with more people on a new level. It shows a willingness to learn and grow, to establish relations with other countries, and really promotes a sense of unification and solidarity. Hayder Al-Ani advises that when going to a new country, it’s best to learn some basic words and phrases.

Knowing how to thank people, how to ask for directions, and how to convey you need help are all important phrases and sentences to learn when going to a new place abroad. It means that regardless of where you go and what situation you find yourself in, you have the gift of being able to communicate with people, and to understand them. The only barriers between you and the waiter who serves you are ones of language, so why not break them down? 


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